Thinking of building a van yourself?


VAN BUILDING TIPS from a guy who did it.

There is so much information out there about how to build a van, I️ am here to tell you to listen to none of them… HEAR ME OUT!

When I️ was researching how to do things, I️ found so much conflicting information that it gave me little confidence which resulted in me making a lot of mistakes.

Once I️ learned to trust my own instincts and common sense, the build became more manageable. Here are my tips for anyone building a van.


TOP 10 Tips for Van Builders

  1. Trust yourself

  2. Don’t overcomplicate

  3. Plan your layout based on your skill level

  4. Think 10 steps ahead

  5. Make quick decisions

  6. Perfection is your enemy

  7. Buy appliances early, check if they’re backordered.

  8. Estimate the cost properly

  9. Give yourself a realistic timeline

  10. Get ready to learn a lot about yourself!

MUST have tools for your van build

At the bare minimum, you can get away with just these tools. It is likely I️ didn’t go a day without taking these things out.

Jigsaw: You could probably do the entire build with just a jigsaw, people have done it before. You can cut all sorts of shapes with it. You’ll get really good at straight lines by the end of your build.

Clamps: You’ll need some of these. They hold your wood pieces in place while you screw/glue them together.

Saw Horses: These will basically be your mobile workshops. Get a couple to put your wood on while you work. If you’re ballin on a budget, a folding table will do also.

Drill: Drill holes, screw screws, you get the point. This one is a non-negotiable.

Measuring Tape: Get one with all the numbers on it.

Tools that will make your van build/life easier

If you’re committing to a bigger project like ours, these tools below definitely got it’s money’s worth!

Circular Saw: Aka a “Skill Saw”, with this you can cut boards or plywood with precision.

Hole Saw: Buy a hole saw kit, you’ll need it if you’re planning on putting in puck lights on your ceiling. Plus it’s fun to cut holes in your expensive van.

Miter saw: If you need to cut several pieces, or cut boards on an angle, this is your go-to. We found it to make the most accurate, straight cuts.

Table Saw: If you can afford or already have one, a table saw is a great addition. We started making our own boards rather than spending hours in the hardware store sorting through 1x2s.

Impact Driver: Drive screws with some FORCE BAYBEE. Great for sending those self-tappers right into the frame. Who needs a pilot hole?

90 Degree Clamps: Honestly I️ wish we found these sooner. These were an integral part in creating all of our cabinets and benches.

Kreg pocket jig: Oooh boy, this one is worth its weight in gold. We might have to make a whole blog post about how amazing this thing is. Just buy it.

Kreg Rip Saw: If you have a circular saw but don’t have/want to buy/are afraid of a table saw, this is gonna be your best friend. Ever try to cut a full sheet of plywood by yourself on a table saw? This will make your life 1000 times easier if working with plywood.

Check out our VAN TOUR!


Don’t over-research

You can get easily overwhelmed with all the information out there. I️ did! It’s ok not to know exactly what you want before you buy the van.

Don’t throw away perfectly good stuff.

We could have saved ourselves a few hundred dollars if we didn’t destroy to black inside door panels when we removed them to insulate..

Don’t dwell on the imperfections

I️ know it’s hard but perfectionism will kill your spirit during a van build. Just remember, you’re building a house!

Still not sure if you want to DIY? Here are reasons why you shouldn’t build your own van.



Installed Products and Appliances

